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Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Krishna Kumar Sharma Hindi Kahaniyon Men Shrimati Chitramudgal Ji Ka Sthan ALOCHANA JOURNAL (UGC CARE LIST-I) / 14 / 1 / 1 - 9 2231-6329

2 Krishna Kumar Sharma Bhartiya Natya Sahitya Men Rang Parmpra Ek Vishleshan GYANVIVIDHA / 2 / 1 / 24 - 29 3048-4537

3 Nagalakshmi S Contribution of Kerala scholars to astronomy and mathematics International Journal of Sanskrit Research / 10 / 4 / 1 - 3 2394-7519

4 Nagalakshmi S Impact of Technology on Sanskrit Journal of Veda Samskrita Academy A National Peer-Reviewed Research Journal / VOLUME: XXIII / 26 /2024 / 87 - 92 2250-1711

5 Reshma M L Naphrat ke soudaagar Alochana / 13 / 9/2024 / - 2231-6329

6 Krishna Kumar Sharma Gramya Krishak Jeevan Ka Darpan Maila Aanchal International Journal of Hindi Research / 8 / 4 / 61 - 63 2455-2232

7 George Joseph Adhunik Hindi kavya mein swachandatavad ka swaroop evam vikas-Ek anusandhatmak adhyayan.( Sahitya Samhita / 7 / 6 / 13 - 18 2454-2695

8 George Joseph Manavatavadi chetna ke pariprekshya mein Hindi ke mahakavi Jayashankar prasad aur Malayalam ke mahakavi Kumaranasan ke kavyom ka shastreeya adhyayan. ( मानवतावादी चेतना के परिप्रेक्ष्य में हिन्दी के महाकवि जयशंकर प्रसाद और मलयालम के महाकवि कुमारनाशान के काव्यों का शास्त्रीय अध्ययन | ) Sahitya Samhita (Peer-Reviewed Hindi Journal) / 7(2021) / 7-July-2021 / 1 - 6 2454-2695

9 George Joseph Saundarya bhavna ke pariprekshya mein Hindi kavi Jatashankar Prasad aur Malayalam kavi Kumaranasan ke kavyom ka tulanatmak adhyayan.67;प्रí ; प्रसाद और कुमारनाशान के काव्यों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन | Sahitya Samhita (Peer-Reviewed Hindi Journal) / 7 / 8 / 1 - 6 2454-2695

10 Krishna Kumar Sharma Hindi Upnyason Men Sisakta Krishak Jeevan International Journal of Hindi Research / 7 / 4 / 52 - 56 2455-2232

11 Nagalakshmi S Sanskrit-A Literary language International Journal of Sanskrit Research / 8 / 1 / 189 - 191 2394-7519

12 Nagalakshmi S Sanskrit-A literary Language International Journal of Sanskrit Research / 8 / 1 / 189 - 191 2394-7519

13 Nagalakshmi S Contribution of Westerns Scholars to Sanskrit Literature Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 9 / 4 / 576 - 580 2349-5162

14 George Joseph 'Angrezi swachandadavad:Ek anusandhanatmak anuseelan. 'Sahitya Samhita' / 6 / 7 / 24 - 28 2454-2695

15 George Joseph Hindi ke mahakavi Jayashankar Prasad aur Malayalam ke mahakavi Kumaranasan ke kavyom mein aadmabhivyakti ki pravritthi- ek tulanatmak adhyayan. Sahitya Samhita / 6 / 6-June2020 / 23 - 27 2454-2695

16 Rathi M T Prob(e)abilities for Enhanced Research and Interdisciplinarity: An Exploration of Innovative Practices in English Studies, Languages, and Media IUP Journal of English Studies / 15 / 4 / 142147 - 142147 0973-3728

17 George Joseph Adhunik malayalam kavya mein swachandadavad ka swarup evam pravruthiyam-ek anusandhanatmak adhyayan. Drishtikon / 12 / 01 / 256 - 259 0975-119X

18 George Joseph 'Swachand prem ke pariprekshya mein adhunik malayalam sahitya ke mahakavi kumaranasan ke kavyom ka anusandhanatmak adhyayan' Nibandha Mala / 12 / 04 / 232 - 236 2277-2359

19 George Joseph Aadhunik Malayalam sahitya ke kavithray mahakavi Kumaranashan,Ulloor aur Vallathol ke kavya mein swachandadavadi pravrutthiyam-Ek anusandhanatmak adhyayan . Drishtikon / 12 / 5 / 450 - 454 0975-119X

20 Krishna Kumar Sharma Dishaheen Hoti Yuva Pidhi : Ek Vishleshnatamak Adhayayn International Journal of Research in Hindi / 1 / 2 / 03 - 06 2582-3493

21 Krishna Kumar Sharma Samajsevi Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara Ka Vyaktitava, Ek Snkshipt Parichay International Journal of Research in Hindi / 1 / 2 / 41 - 42 2582-3493

22 Krishna Kumar Sharma Mata-Pita Ki Prasannta Men Nihit Jeevan Ka Saar SANSKRITIK AUR SAMAJIK ANUSANDHAN / 1 / 1 / 22 - 24 2582-5852

23 Krishna Kumar Sharma Shrishtachar Aur Sanskar Ek Vishleshnatamak Adhayayn International Journal Of Reserch In Hindi / 1 / 1 / 16 - 17 2582-3493

24 Mallika Krishnaswami Language Matters Online Interternational Interdisciplinary Research Journal / 9 / 01 / 254 - 258 2249-9598

25 Mallika Krishnaswami Exploring the Gandhian Search for Truth in R.K. Narayan's "The Guide" Literary Endeavour / X / 5 / 72 - 75 0976-299X

26 George Joseph Malayalam kavi Kumaranasan ke kavya mein Yug Bodh malayalam kavi Kumaranasan ke kavya mein Yug Bodh / 4 / 4 / 56 - 58 2455-2232

27 Kavitha A French Feminism Vimal Vimarsh / 1 (Special Edition) / / 148 - 151 2348-5884

28 Kavitha A Digital Technology Engaging Pedagogy Through Hindi Wikipedia- A Case Study IJELLH- (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 6 / 8 / 234 - 243 2321-7065

29 Krishna Kumar Sharma Kathakar Chitra Mudgal Ji Ki Kahani Sngrah Painting Akeli Hai... Men Vyakati Snagharsh INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HINDI RESERCH / 5 / 3 / 25 - 27 2455-2232

30 Nagalakshmi S Contribution of Women to Sanskrit Literature Vimal vimarsh / 1 / 1, Special edition / 69 - 74 2348-5884

31 Rathi M T Initiation of Blended Learning through Kannada Wikipedia, Issues and Challenges- A Case Study Global Journal Of Human Social Sciences / 18 / 11 / 9 - 12 2249-460X, 0975-587X

32 Sebastian K A Digital Technology Engaging Pedagogy Through Hindi Wikipedia- A Case Study IJELLH- (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 6 / 8 / 234 - 243 2321-7065

33 Shivaprasad Y S Central College Karnataka Sangha-Shatamanada Smarane International Journal of Kannada Research / 4-Part C / 02 / 124 - 131 2454-5813

34 Shivaprasad Y S Initiation of Blended Learning through Kannada Wikipedia, Issues and Challenges- A Case Study Global Journal Of Human Social Sciences / 18 / 11 / 9 - 12 2249-460X, 0975-587X

35 Mallika Krishnaswami Blending the old with the new through technology - Sanskrit and E - Learning IJELLH / V / X / 57 - 64 2321-7065

36 Nagalakshmi S Ancient wisdom Journal of Veda Samskrta Academy - A National Refereed Research Journal / 9 / January - June 2017 / 43 - 48 2250-1711

37 Nagalakshmi S Blending the old with the new through technology - Sanskrit and E - Learning IJELLH / V / X / 57 - 64 2321-7065

38 Shivaprasad Y S Kanakana Ekathe-Prathyekathe Karnataka Bharathi / 42 / 02 / 118 - 127 2277-3088

39 Krishnaswami P Mainstream Tradition and Exclusive Traditions: A Study of Kongu Folk Epic ' Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research / 3 / 3 / 220 - 224 2348-3156, 2348-3164

40 Krishnaswami P Organic Growyh of Folk Epics: Ownership and Contestation of Tamil Folk Epic 'Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / 4 / 8 / 55 - 64 2319-7722, 2319-7714

41 Krishnaswami P From Knowledge Tradition to Knowledge Economy: Positive Interludes in Indian Higher Education International Journal of Educational Planning and Administration / 5 / 1 / 19 - 23 2249-3093

42 Krishnaswami P Organic Growth of Folk Epics: Ownership and Contestation of Tamil Folk Epic AnnanmarKathai (Elder Brothers? Story) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / 4 / 8 / 55 - 64 2319-7722, 2319-7714

43 Krishnaswami P Mainstream Tradition and Exclusive Traditions: A Study of Kongu Folk Epic 'Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research / 3 / 3 / 220 - 224 2348-3164, 2348-3156

44 Mallika Krishnaswami From Knowledge Tradition to Knowledge Economy: Positive Interludes in Indian Higher Education International Journal of Educational Planning and Administration / 5 / 1 / 19 - 23 2249-3093

45 Mallika Krishnaswami Organic Growth of Folk Epics: Ownership and Contestation of Tamil Folk Epic AnnanmarKathai (Elder Brothers? Story) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / 4 / 8 / 55 - 64 2319-7722, 2319-7714

46 Mallika Krishnaswami Mainstream Tradition and Exclusive Traditions: A Study of Kongu Folk Epic 'Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research / 3 / 3 / 220 - 224 2348-3164, 2348-3156

47 Mallika Krishnaswami Unopened Windows: European Existentialism and Indian Classrooms International Journal of English Language, Litearture and Humanities / 3 / 9 / 434 - 440 2321-7065

48 Mallika Krishnaswami U.R Ananthamurthy - A man more sinned against than sinning? Indian Literature / LVIII / 6 / 138 - 147 0019-5804

49 Mallika Krishnaswami Social Alienation and Camus 'The Outsider' Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 9 / 2 / 12 - 20 0975-329X

50 Mallika Krishnaswami Crisis and Modern Man - seen from the French and Indian Perspective Behavioral, Cognitive and Psychological Sciences / 23 / / 192 - 196 2010-4626

51 Mallika Krishnaswami Bridging the Gap across Cultures through Literature Transtellar Journal of English and Literature / 3 / 5 / 49 - 52 2249-8028

52 Shivaprasad Y S H.Narasimhiah Vignana Sangathi / 19 / 03 / 9 - 11 0971-6769

53 Mallika Krishnaswami Crisis and Man:Literary Responses Across Cultures BORJ, Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences Research / 1 / 3 / 29 - 30 2319-5614

54 Shivaprasad Y S Kasubu Yerisi Mulugisida computergalu Yojana - Electronics mattu Mahiti Tantrajnana / 2 / 9 / 38 - 41 0971-8737



Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 KRISHNA KUMAR SHARMA (4799) Reference book Hindi Upnyas Sahity Men Krishaj Jeevan Ke Aayam 9789348200594 2025
2 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Conference Proceedings Nishpatti Janapadaru Kandante Sharanaru 978-93-92427-86-2 2024
3 SHIVANAND TAVALI Reference book Punarnava Part -10 978-81-949100-9-1 2024
4 SHIVANAND TAVALI Reference book Vachana Keertana Saahitya Mattu Sanskruti 978-93-92427-47-3 2024
5 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Punranava Part-10 Kannada Mahila Atmakathegala Avalokana 978-81-949100-9-1 2024
6 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Vachana Keertana Sahitya Mattu Sanskruti Keetana Saahitya; Ondu Avalokana 978-93-92427-47-3 2024
7 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Vachana Keertana Saahitya Mattu Sanskruti Keetana Saahitya; Pramukha daasara Kodugegalu 978-93-92427-47-3 2024
8 RESHMA M L (4630) Reference book Ikkisween Sadi ki Hindi Kavita Mein Vyangya 978-93-48200-88-4 2024
9 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Sneha Sindhu Kailasam Avara Tollugattiya Avalokana 978-93-92427-59-6 2024
10 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Sneha Sindhu Bahumukha Vyaktitvada Pradhyapakaru 978-93-92427-59-6 2024
11 KRISHNA KUMAR SHARMA Reference book RASHTRIYA CHETNA 978-93-5786-761-0 2023
12 KRISHNA KUMAR SHARMA (4799) Reference book Chitra Mudgal Ke Kahani Sahitya Men Vykti Sngharsh 978-81-948342-0-5 2022
13 NAGALAKSHMI S Conference Proceedings Ecology in sanskrit literature Description of Ecology in the Works of Bhavabuthi 978-1-56646-725-4 2020
14 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Conference Proceedings Holistic Development through Language and Literature Language and Literature - Key elements in the formation of a (w)holistic being ISBN No. 978-93-85132-93-3 2020
15 KAVITHA A Conference Proceedings Holistic Development through Language and Literature Le développement holistique à travers l'évolution des femmes dans la littérature française 978-93-85132-93-3 2020
16 RATHI M T Reference book Fostering Higher Education -Half Century in Service Christ College Kannada Sangha: Integrating Languages,Literature and Cultural Consciousness 978-81-933887-9-2 2019
17 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Reference book Fostering Higher Education - Half a century in service Deanery at Christ - Concept, Relevance and Practice 978-81-933887-9-2 2019
18 NAGALAKSHMI S Conference Proceedings Multidisciplinary International Conference Contribution of Sanskrit to Indological Study ISBN: 978-93-5351-965-0 2019
19 NAGALAKSHMI S Conference Proceedings Water concept in Sanskrit Literature Importance of Water according to Rigveda 978-81-930910-8-1 2019
20 KRISHNA KUMAR SHARMA (4799) Reference book SHAGUN 2017
21 SHIVAPRASAD Y S Reference book Kanaka Purandara Iha Paragala Mukhamukhi Second Edition Thesis 978-81-932218-4-6 2017
22 RATHI M T Reference book Pratibha Sampannaru Pramukha Bhashavignana Vidwamsa 2015
23 RATHI M T,K P BHAT Reference book Dravida Bhaasha GNATI Padakosha (A Cognitive Dictionary of Dravidian Languages) NA 978-93-82446-63-7 2014
24 SHIVAPRASAD Y S Reference book Nee Mayeyolago Ninnolu Mayeyo Kanakadasa Adhyayana:Samagra Samputa Bhaga-1 Geevana Mattu Parisara 2013
25 SHIVAPRASAD. Y S Reference book Dasa Sahitya Darshana Part-2 Dasa Shresta Kanaka Purandararu: Ondu Tulane 2012
26 SHIVAPRASAD Y S Reference book Kanaka Purandar Iha Paragala Mukhamukhi NA 2011
27 RATHI M T,D.C.GEETHA Text book Nadugannada Kavyasangama 2010
28 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Socio-Cultural Approaches to Translation: Indian and European Perspectives Cultural Synthesis or Cultural Exclusiveness ?Challenges before a Translator 978-93-80697-31-4 2010
29 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Samuthirathil Oru Maithuli (translation of Michel SAUQUET's French novel ?Une goutte d'encre dans l'ocean' ) - 2001
30 KRISHNASWAMI P Socio-Cultural Approaches to Translation: Indian and European Perspectives Cultural Synthesis orCultural Exclusiveness:Challenges before a Translator 2010
31 KRISHNASWAMI P Venkat Swaminathan: Arguments and Discourses Cultural Criticism: Writings of Venkat Swaminathan 2010
32 KRISHNASWAMI P Collected Works of Palamalai Palamalai's Poetry: An Evaluation 2010
33 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Higher Education 2020- New Strategies for Empowerment and Growth In Sync with the Changing Face of Humanities and Social Sciences ?The Christ University Model 978-81-924180-1-8. 2012 2012
34 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Excellence through Innovation ? Curriculum, Teaching, Learning, Research and Evaluation in Higher Education Internalization of Organizational Values and its Impact on Effectiveness Internalization of Organizational Values and its Impact on Effectiveness - 2009
35 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Higher Education: Between Quality and Reservation Deemed Universities: A Partial Remedy to Indian Higher Education Ills - A Case Study of Christ University, Bangalore 978-93-5128-050-7 2014
36 KRISHNASWAMI P Reference book First International Conference on English Literature -2012 Mythology and Creativity - A South Indian Literary and Cultural Perspective 978-81-927042-3-4


Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Tyagaveera Sirasangi Lingarajaru

Mareyalagada Mahanubhavaru
2 Kalika Maadhyama;Kannada Bhashe

Kannada Bhashe
3 Hindi Ganga

Hindi Bhasha Aur Sahitya Ka Sangam
4 Kannaadu-Punnaadu

Kannada Mattu Kodava Bhashe, Saahitya, Samskruti, Parampare, Samshodhane, Sthala Mahime Kshetragala


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